Sunday, March 25, 2012

The New Planning & Zoning Commission

On December 19, 2011 the lame duck Ascension Parish Council fired all nine Planning & Zoning Commissioners and reduced the board to seven members with terms of one and two years.  Seven new members were appointed on February 8th by the Council:  Morrie Bishop, Robert Burgess, Jackie Calendar, Gasper Chifici, Paul Nizzo, Joshua Ory, Donald Songy.  Donald Songy was chosen as the Vice Chairman at the February 15th meeting, but no Chairman was chosen.  Mr. Burgess was absent and the Commission wanted to put him as chair.  At the March 14th meeting, Robert Burgess was seated and unanimously chosen as the chairman.

Placed on the March agenda for both the Planning and Zoning Commissions was a discussion to eliminate all subcommittees.  At the recommendation of Planning Director, Ricky Compton, all but two of the Commission were ready to eliminate subcommittees.
Because Robert's Rules of Order does not allow action on an agenda item up for discussion, no action was taken at this meeting.  It appears that all work will be done at the regular meetings on the second Wednesday of the month.  The present by-laws of the Commissions do designate two standing committees:  Subdivision Ordinance subcommittee and the Zoning subcommittee.  The previous Commission also had a Bylaws Subcommittee and a Master Plan subcommittee.

Most public bodies use subcommittees to do their work.  This allows for more discussion and additional public input in these meetings. Citizens need to follow the work of the new Commission carefully.

Planning staff has begun work on the Master Transportation Plan.  Each road in the parish will be placed in a category with specifications.  The concept of complete streets with sidewalks and biking paths is included and requires more right of way.  
Complete Streets were presented in the proposed Master Plan that was rejected by the public. Hwy. 42 is presently being redesigned as a complete street. 

The Commission will be addressing the Master Transportation Plan in upcoming meetings. Parish administration are discussing a half cent sales tax to be placed on the November ballot for roads.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Ascension Parish Council

Parish redistricting was completed and accepted by the courts in August 2011. Multiple candidates qualified in many of the Parish Council races in September.

Members of Concerned Citizens actively participated in many of these races. All races were decided on October 22nd except the Council District 4 seat, which had a run-off on November 19th. Because four councilmen ran unopposed, there were only seven races. It is encouraging to have four new councilmembers. The following are the members of the Ascension Parish Council which were sworn in on January 2nd for a four year term:

Council District 1 Oliver Joseph
Council District 2 Kent Schexnaydre
Council District 3 Travis Turner (new member)
Council District 4 Dan "Doc" Satterlee (new member)
Council District 5 Dempsey Lambert
Council District 6 Randy Clouatre (ran unopposed)
Council District 7 Chris Loar (ran unopposed)
Council District 8 Terri Casso (new member)
Council District 9 Todd Lambert (ran unopposed)
Council District 10 Bryan Melancon (new member)
Council District 11 Benny Johnson (ran unopposed)

Concerned citizens will continue to follow the Council and are hopeful that they will strive to put the community first in all decisions.

The first scheduled meeting will be this coming Thursday, January 5th, at 6:00 p.m. in Donaldsonville.

All Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission Removed

The outgoing Ascension Parish Council acted out of the ordinary at their last meeting on December 1st by introducing an ordinance to remove all nine existing members of the Planning & Zoning Commission, to reduce the Commission to 5 members and to set their terms. The agenda did not list the person who proposed the ordinance, but sources inside the government have verified that Parish President Martinez was behind the removal and reduction of members. This move came after a decision by the Planning & Zoning Commission on October 13th calling for an investigation of the Martinez administration, the planning staff and at least one commissioner for actions which were possibly unethical or criminal in nature. That investigation though not mentioned by the local media is still ongoing.

Although a newspaper article stated the reason for the ordinance would be explained by the parish president, Mr. Martinez did not speak about the ordinance at the introduction or at its passage on December 19th. The final ordinance passed differed from the original proposal:

1. Commissioners were removed immediately instead of serving until new members were appointed.

2. The original reduction of nine (9) members to five (5) was increased to seven (7).

3. The terms proposed were three (3) with 2 yr. terms and two (2) with 4 year terms, thereafter all serving 4 year terms. The final version was three (3) with 1 year terms and four with 2 year terms, thereafter each member shall serve a 2 year term.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Maps for Redistricting

At the public hearing on June 1st, two new proposed maps were presented, setting aside the three previous proposals. Changes in the new Plan A and Plan B are focused in Districts 1 and 2. There will be a final public hearing on June 16th at the regular Ascension Parish Council meeting in the Gonzales Courthouse at 6:00 p.m. The Council will then decide which map will be sent to the Justice Department for approval.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2011 Proposed Redistricting Maps

These three proposed maps related to redistricting were presented to the Parish Council at their regularly scheduled meeting on May 19th.

The Council has scheduled two public hearings for the public to review these maps and make public comment. The first will be held in the Donaldsonville Courthouse at 300 Houmas Street on Thursday, May 26th at 6:00 p.m. The second hearing will be held on May 31 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gonzales Courthouse at 828 S. Irma Blvd-2nd Floor.

Read the presentations which were given at the May 5 and May 19 council meetings to look at statistics and demographics related to redistricting.

Present Councilmen and their Districts:

District #1 Oliver Joseph
District #2 Kent Schexnaydre
District #3 Adrian Thompson
District #4 Pat Bell
District #5 Dempsey Lambert
District #6 Randy Clouatre
District #7 Chris Loar
District #8 George Valentine
District #9 Todd Lambert
District#10 Dennis Cullen
District #11 Benny Johnson

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Council Rejects Recommendations of Commission

At the May 5th meeting in Donaldsonville, the Ascension Parish Council rejected the unanimous recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Commissions to repeal the Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) ordinances. These ordinances along with changes to the zoning tables which would have reduced density from 20 to 10 units per acre and removed future residential development in the crossroads commercial category were sent back to the Council's Strategic Planning Committee. The vote to allow PUDs to continue was 7 to 3 on all three recommendations with Councilmen George Valentine, Todd Lambert and Randy Clouatre voting no. The Chairman, Pat Bell, did not vote.

Councilman Valentine had made the original motion which was seconded by Todd Lambert for an up or down vote on these recommendations. However, the substitute motion made by Kent Schexnaydre and seconded by Dennis Cullen prevailed to send these recommendations back to the Strategic Planning Committee which Schexnaydre chairs. Voting to continue PUDs, TNDs and high density were Councilmen Joseph, Schexnaydre, Thompson, Dempsey Lambert, Loar, Cullen and Johnson. Although voting with Valentine and Lambert, Clouatre's comments during discussion were not favorable for the repeal of the PUD & TND ordinances or reducing density.

Citizens will continue to watch the Strategic Planning committee and any discussion related to these issues in the months to come. Strategic Planning meets the fourth Monday of each month at the Gonzales Courthouse at 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Council Refuses to Fund Master Plan Efforts

At their regular meeting of April 19th, the Ascension Parish Council in a five to four vote refused to fund the Master Plan Subcommittee budget of $28,000 to review and revise the current Master Plan. The budget primarily included funds for meeting rooms, clerical staff, and photocopying of documents which are charged to the Commission by the parish administration.

Councilman George Valentine made a motion to provide the funding with a second from Councilman Todd Lambert. Councilman Loar immediately made a substitute motion to deny funding with a second from Dennis Cullen. With Councilman Clouatre absent, Councilmen Kent Schexnaydre, Dempsey Lambert, Chris Loar, Dennis Cullen and Benny Johnson voted for the substitute motion denying the request of the subcommittee. Councilman Oliver Joseph, Adrian Thompson, George Valentine and Todd Lambert voted against the motion which denied funding. Chairman Pat Bell chose not to vote. Had he voted with the four councilmen he would have created a tie vote. The substitute motion would have failed and opened the door for a vote on the previous motion which would have funded the committee. It was obvious that Bell did not favor funding the efforts of the Planning Commission. These six councilmen (Pat Bell, Kent Schexnaydre, Dempsey Lambert, Chris Loar, Dennis Cullen and Benny Johnson) demonstrated by their actions that they are unwilling to harness the uncontrolled growth in Ascension and address our infrastructure needs. Citizens need to remember councilmen's voting record on important issues such as this when casting their vote in the upcoming October elections.

The Master Plan Subcommittee then met on April 25th and made the decision not to hold regular meetings for now. They are considering looking at firms located in the state to assist the Subcommittee. As dictated by the Parish Council's motion, the steering committee will work on finances for review and revision of the Master Plan for the 2012 budget.

Though efforts have been put on hold, the subcommittee will remain intact. When further decisions are made, we will inform citizens.