Sunday, March 25, 2012

The New Planning & Zoning Commission

On December 19, 2011 the lame duck Ascension Parish Council fired all nine Planning & Zoning Commissioners and reduced the board to seven members with terms of one and two years.  Seven new members were appointed on February 8th by the Council:  Morrie Bishop, Robert Burgess, Jackie Calendar, Gasper Chifici, Paul Nizzo, Joshua Ory, Donald Songy.  Donald Songy was chosen as the Vice Chairman at the February 15th meeting, but no Chairman was chosen.  Mr. Burgess was absent and the Commission wanted to put him as chair.  At the March 14th meeting, Robert Burgess was seated and unanimously chosen as the chairman.

Placed on the March agenda for both the Planning and Zoning Commissions was a discussion to eliminate all subcommittees.  At the recommendation of Planning Director, Ricky Compton, all but two of the Commission were ready to eliminate subcommittees.
Because Robert's Rules of Order does not allow action on an agenda item up for discussion, no action was taken at this meeting.  It appears that all work will be done at the regular meetings on the second Wednesday of the month.  The present by-laws of the Commissions do designate two standing committees:  Subdivision Ordinance subcommittee and the Zoning subcommittee.  The previous Commission also had a Bylaws Subcommittee and a Master Plan subcommittee.

Most public bodies use subcommittees to do their work.  This allows for more discussion and additional public input in these meetings. Citizens need to follow the work of the new Commission carefully.

Planning staff has begun work on the Master Transportation Plan.  Each road in the parish will be placed in a category with specifications.  The concept of complete streets with sidewalks and biking paths is included and requires more right of way.  
Complete Streets were presented in the proposed Master Plan that was rejected by the public. Hwy. 42 is presently being redesigned as a complete street. 

The Commission will be addressing the Master Transportation Plan in upcoming meetings. Parish administration are discussing a half cent sales tax to be placed on the November ballot for roads.