Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Three Positions Expire on P & Z Commission

"But let them consider that though good laws do well, good men do better; for good laws may lack good men...but good men will never lack good laws, nor allow bad ones." William Penn

Three appointments on the Planning and Zoning Commission, Chairman Alan Krouse, Commissioners Sherry Sliman and Beverly Barre', will expire on October 15, 2010. Terms are four years.  Minimum commitment of one meeting a month on the second Wednesday and extensive reading of documents is expected. Applications are due by October 1st at 11:30 a.m. in the Council Secretary's office bottom floor of the Gonzales Courthouse on Irma Blvd..  Contact Suzanne Patterson at 621-8577 for an application form. Concerned Citizens can also provide this application if you contact us at A resume is requested along with the one page application. After applications are received applicants will be called for an interview by the Personnel Committee made up of four Council members: Chairman Todd Lambert, Councilmen Chris Loar, Benny Johnson, and Dennis Cullen. Recommendations for these openings will be made by the committee to the full Council and voted on.

These are political appointments. Reappointments are common. It is time to make some changes in this commission after Monday night's meeting.  These three commissioners were still opposed to killing the proposed Master Plan after overwhelming support from citizens was voiced to kill the plan.  Advertisements have not been posted in the newspaper of record, The Gonzales Weekly Citizen, in the past two weeks.  By law these positions are to be advertised.

Current infrastructure problems in the parish are directly related to growth.  The nine members of this Commission are responsible to make recommendations to the Parish Council for any rezoning or development.  The Planning & Zoning Commission is responsible to adopt, update and amend the Master Plan.

If you are concerned with the direction our government is taking us, please consider applying and encourage others who feel the same to step up and join other concerned citizens.  Apply now!