Monday, November 22, 2010

Mossy Oak PUD Gone, Another Development Pending

At the Ascension Parish Council meeting of November 4th about 100 citizens wore red in opposition to the proposed Mossy Oak and all PUDS. Citizens left feeling victorious because the Council voted unanimously against the proposed Mossy Oak development on Babin Road. Three councilmen were absent (Clouatre, Joseph and Loar) As chair, Councilmen Bell chose not to vote and Councilman Schexnaydre recused himself because of his connections with the project. The next day, Friday, there was some confusion about the legality of the vote. On Saturday a written legal opinion from parish attorney, Toni Falterman, was released. She stated that according to the Charter Section 6-02 C(8)  "An ordinance shall be enacted at a public meeting, when voted upon favorably by at least a majority of the members of the governing authority..." The opinion further stated there is no reason to reconsider the matter, however, the Council may wish to reconsider the vote "out of an abundance of caution."

Because the Mossy Oak PUD was not on the November 18th agenda, we can be confident this proposed PUD is gone. However, another development is being proposed for this property by the same developer; details are unknown.  Citizens must continue to follow this proposal and attend the Planning & Zoning meeting when this item is put on their agenda.    

Sunday, November 21, 2010

PUD Concept to be Discussed at Strategic Planning

Monday, November 22nd, the Strategic Planning Committee will discuss the Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance at their meeting in the Gonzales Courthouse at 6:00 p.m.  There will be an opportunity for the public to comment on this agenda item during the meeting.  This is the first in many steps to review the PUD concept and the high density it has brought to Ascension. The PUD overlay must also be addressed. Citizens are encouraged to attend. 

Two Commissioners Appointed, One to Go

Citizens attended  the November 18th meeting of the Ascension Parish Council to ask that three new members be placed on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Numerous citizens addressed the Council. The Gonzales Courthouse was packed with an overflow into the hall as the Council appointed two new members recommended by the Personnel Committee; J.B Esnard and Daniel Satterlee. Although recommended by the Personnel Committee, Chairman Alan Krouse was not reappointed because of opposition from the public due to his continued support for the proposed Master Plan which was rejected by the people and the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 20th.  The Personnel Committee will meet in the near future to recommend one of four remaining applicants to the Full Council for the vacant position to be filled. It appears this appointment will be made at the Council Meeting on December 2nd in Donaldsonville.  While Esnard and Satterlee were unanimously approved, the vote for Alan Krouse was controversial. Councilmen Adrian Thompson, Chris Loar and Dennis Cullen supported the reappointment of Mr. Krouse while Councilmen Dempsey Lambert, Todd Lambert, and George Valentine opposed the reappointment.  Councilman Randy Clouatre broke the tie vote by opposing the appointment of Mr. Krouse. Citizens will not rest until all three appointments of the  Commission are filled with new members. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Appointments to Planning & Zoning Commission

Tuesday, November 2nd the Personnel Committee made up of Councilmen Cullen, Lambert, Johnson, and Thompson (Loar was absent) met and interviewed nine applicants for the Planning and Zoning Commission. There are three positions open for appointment.  The three up for reappointment reapplied; Chairman Krause, Commissioners Sliman and Barre'. All three support the proposed Master Plan that failed and was rejected by the people. Deliberations were made in private and afterwards Chairman Todd Lambert announced that the committee will recommend the following three for appointment;J.B. Esnard, Alan Krause, and Daniel Satterlee. The Full Council will vote on these recommendations on November 18th at their regular meeting which begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Gonzales Courthouse.