Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Appointments to Planning & Zoning Commission

Tuesday, November 2nd the Personnel Committee made up of Councilmen Cullen, Lambert, Johnson, and Thompson (Loar was absent) met and interviewed nine applicants for the Planning and Zoning Commission. There are three positions open for appointment.  The three up for reappointment reapplied; Chairman Krause, Commissioners Sliman and Barre'. All three support the proposed Master Plan that failed and was rejected by the people. Deliberations were made in private and afterwards Chairman Todd Lambert announced that the committee will recommend the following three for appointment;J.B. Esnard, Alan Krause, and Daniel Satterlee. The Full Council will vote on these recommendations on November 18th at their regular meeting which begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Gonzales Courthouse.