Monday, December 6, 2010

Master Plan Motion Questioned /New Appointees Sworn In

The two new appointees, J.B. Esnard and Daniel Satterlee, will be sworn in on Wednesday,December 8th at the monthly Planning & Zoning Commission meeting which starts at 6:00 p.m. at the Gonzales Courthouse.   Items 11 & 12 on this agenda are for consideration to amend/rescind two motions.  The first motion scrapped the proposed Master Plan in its entirety with its accompanying maps and language.  The second motion called for a subcommittee to be formed including citizens and other stakeholders to revise the current Master Plan. At the November 10th meeting Commissioner Howard Dalton expressed his desire to rescind his vote to scrap the Master Plan. Some on the Commission hope to resurrect the proposed Master Plan which called for high density development throughout Ascension.  

We encourage citizens to attend the December 8th meeting and continue to support those on the Commission who are listening to the people.  Citizens attendance will communicate to the Commission that we are ready to work with them to update the existing Master Plan.