Sunday, February 6, 2011

Developer Drops Mossy Oaks Litigation

Although neighborhood residents surrounding the proposed Mossy Oaks development on Babin Road hired legal counsel to represent their interests, they never had their day in court.  The developer, Mr. Kevin Nguyen, chose to drop his litigation against the Planning Commission as of Tuesday, February 1st.  The Postponed hearing of January 31st was not held on February 2nd. Ms. Lindsey Manda, represented  Michael Marchand, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Ricky Compton, Director of Ascension Parish Planning & Zoning Department.

The developer essentially accepted the vote of the January 12th Planning & Zoning Commission with an approval including the two conditions: 1) two entrances onto Babin Road and 2) no lots accessing directly onto Babin Road.  Ms. Manda included in the agreement removal of the reconsideration of Mossy Oak from the Commission's published February 9th agenda.   Mr. Marchand recently quoted in The Advocate that he had not agreed to this stipulation of removing the reconsideration of Mossy Oaks from the agenda. Does Ms. Manda as the defendant's attorney have authority to negotiate stipulations without approval from her client,  Chairman Marchand?  Citizens encourage Chairman Marchand to file a complaint with the Disciplinary Board. 

The Planning Commission's next meeting is Wednesday February 9th at 6:00 p.m. at the Gonzales Courthouse.