Friday, March 11, 2011

Planning & Zoning to Begin the Master Plan Process

Meetings to begin the process for the review and revision of the current Master Plan will start on March 21, 2011, 6:00 p.m at the Gonzales Courthouse.  This first meeting will be to give an overview which was missed by the community when the February P&Z meeting was not aired on Channel 21.  

On March 23rd the Master Plan Subcommittee will meet at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. for representatives of government, business, and the public respectively. At each of these three meetings, five individuals will be chosen to represent their segment of the community on the subcommittee. The nine members of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be the voting members.


Commission Subcommittees Meet

On Wednesday, March 16th the subcommittees of the Planning & Zoning Commissions will meet at 5:00 p.m. (Subdivision) and 6:00 p.m. (Zoning) at the Department of Public Works on Churchpoint Road.   Five amendments to the PUD, SPUD and TND ordinances which the Parish Council sent on March 3rd to the Commission will be discussed at the Zoning subcommittee. Citizens will continue to attend these meetings in hopes that the ordinances related to the PUDS will not just be amended, but abolished. 

Public Hearing for Abolishing PUD, SPUD, & TND Ordinances

The Planning & Zoning Commission has set a public hearing on Wednesday, April 13th at the Gonzales Courthouse at 6:00 p.m. to consider a recommendation to the Parish Council to abolish the PUD, SPUD and TND ordinances. Changes to zoning tables are also being considered that will reduce residential density. The Zoning Subcommittee has recommended abolishing all three ordinances and strengthening the Subdivision Regulations in order to address development issues.   

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Discussion of PUD, SPUD, & TND Ordinances

The joint monthly meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committees is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Gonzales Courthouse.  They will discuss the PUD, SPUD and TND ordinances now in place.  The Zoning Subcommittee has recommended abolishing all three and strengthening the Subdivision Regulations in order to address development issues.   

On Thursday March 3rd, the Parish Council sent five ordinances that were up for adoption to the Commission for consideration.  These ordinances came from the Strategic Planning subcommittee and would have amended the PUD and SPUD ordinances now in place.  Citizens continue to monitor the efforts of the Council to circumvent the Commission. We are hopeful that the ordinances related to the PUDS will not just be amended, but abolished when the Council receives the Commission's recommendation.

Moratorium Ordinance Pulled From Strategic Planning Agenda

As fast as it appeared, an ordinance to place a twelve month moratorium on residential, commercial and industrial development in Ascension was removed from the February 28th Strategic Planning Agenda. Representatives from industry, business and the public attended this meeting because of concern.  The people who attended were told that the ordinance was an educational exercise to educate the community on just what a moratorium is.  Just where this came from was not divulged at the meeting, but it was revealed after the meeting that Chairman Schexnaydre and Parish President Martinez directed in-house attorney, Toni Falterman to draft the ordinance.  Why this was considered is not known at this time.