Sunday, March 6, 2011

Discussion of PUD, SPUD, & TND Ordinances

The joint monthly meeting of the Planning & Zoning Committees is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Gonzales Courthouse.  They will discuss the PUD, SPUD and TND ordinances now in place.  The Zoning Subcommittee has recommended abolishing all three and strengthening the Subdivision Regulations in order to address development issues.   

On Thursday March 3rd, the Parish Council sent five ordinances that were up for adoption to the Commission for consideration.  These ordinances came from the Strategic Planning subcommittee and would have amended the PUD and SPUD ordinances now in place.  Citizens continue to monitor the efforts of the Council to circumvent the Commission. We are hopeful that the ordinances related to the PUDS will not just be amended, but abolished when the Council receives the Commission's recommendation.