Monday, January 3, 2011

Meeting Rules of Conduct Questioned

Citizens believe that recent interpretation of rules being used by the Martinez Administration is an attempt to silence the public!!

Chief Administrative Officer, Beth James, chided the public at the December 8th Planning and Zoning Commission about "decorum" in public meetings and rules related to the Ascension Parish Council.  CAO James followed with a dear editor letter in the December 17th issue of the Gonzales Weekly Citizen.  James stated "It is against the parish ordinance to mention a member of the Council, committee, staff or other elected officials in a meeting." She further stated that citizens are "free to speak outside of public buildings and say whatever they wish about whomever they wish,...but within the sanctity of a public meeting, there are rules that everyone should follow."

The “rules” posted on the podium during the December 8th Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting were addressed again at the regular December 16th Ascension Parish Council meeting.  Speakers addressed the Council concerning the agenda item related to Review of Rules of Meeting Conduct. One man in the crowd, who identified himself as a veteran, spoke out from the crowd that these rules infringed on the first amendment rights of citizens which he and others had fought to preserve while serving in the military.  At the order of Chairman Pat Bell, the veteran was escorted from the room by a sheriff's deputy.  Another veteran was so shaken by the removal of his fellow veteran that he removed himself before the situation escalated further. Chairman Bell tried to defend his action of having the veteran removed with a long futile explanation.  Attempts were made by Chairman Bell in the beginning of the meeting to stop applause; however, by the end of the meeting Bell’s gavel was silent while citizens continued clapping.  

The six rules on the original document are listed below.  Only the first four were posted by the administration. We will see how these are applied at the next Council meeting on January 6th, 6:00 p.m. in Donaldsonville.  

Ascension Parish Council 
Rules of Meeting Conduct

The Ascension Parish Council, the governing authority for the Parish of Ascension, finds the need to implement rules for the orderly conduct of its meetings and participation by the audience.  The following rules will be recognized and enforced:

1.  Ascension Parish Council meetings are for the conduct of business of the Ascension Parish government.  The meeting will be conducted and order maintained by the Chairman of the Council, or his successor in his absence.

2. Public attendance and participation are encouraged, but the public's discussion of issues is limited to 1)public hearings, 2) public comment period, and 3) placement on the agenda of a regular meeting.

Guidelines for Public Comment Period and Public Hearings are as follows:
a)  Public comment shall immediately follow roll call                  
      of the members.
b)  All individuals wishing to speak during the public       
      comment period or public hearings must sign in with               
      the Ascension Parish Council secretary giving the               
      name, address, and agenda item number which   
      they will speak on.  The Chairman of the Ascension                   
      Parish Council will announce when the sign-up                   
      period is completed, after giving adequate notice               
      that anyone wishing to speak should sign in with                
      the council secretary.  Once the sign in period is              
      closed, no one else will be allowed to participate.
 c)  Once an individual signs in to address the council             
      during the public comment period or public                      
      hearings, only that individual is authorized to                 
      address the council during that allocated time.  No             
      one may relinquish this time to another individual              
      or substitute speakers.  If the person who signs in             
      to speak does not address the council when his or               
      her name is called, that person will forfeit their              
      right to speak.
d)  Public comment shall be limited to those items on               
      the agenda.  In the event the agenda is amended                 
      during the meeting by 2/3 vote, the public shall be             
      permitted to comment at that time, prior to the                 
      commission acting, since the item was unknown at                
      the beginning of the meeeting.  If an agenda item               
      is set for public hearing, then the public shall                
      only comment during the public hearing, and not                 
      during the public comment period.  
 e)  Parties shall be limited to three minutes per                   
      person to speak.  The Chairman shall be vested with               
      authority to regulate the public comment period and             
      shall be permitted to request that those speaking               
      not be repetitious.  The Chairman shall indicate to             
      the speaker when his/her time limit has expired.  

3.  The following acts are prohibited by audience members:

a)  Speaking or addressing Parish Council, or any                   
      member, at any time during the conduct of the                   
      meeting in the meeting room;
b)  Yelling, shouting, cheering, or other such                      
       disruptive conduct during the meetings of                       
       the Ascension Parish Council;
c)  Clapping, applauding, or other such disruptions or              
       sudden noise during the conduct of the meeting,                 
       except at time of ceremony, recognition of                      
       individuals or groups for special achievement or                
       other such customary or appropriate circumstances;
d)  Use of profanity or vulgar language;
e)  Physical threats or intimidation.

4. Any person violating these rules may be asked to leave the meeting room.

5.All members of the public are asked to turn off cellular     phones, two way radios, pagers, or other such communication devices during the conduct of meetings.

6. A copy of these rules shall be published in the Official    Journal and posted on council meeting rooms to adequately     advise the public of their content.