Sunday, January 23, 2011

Motion to Reconsider Mossy Oak

On Wednesday, January 12th, at their regular meeting the Planning & Zoning Commission voted seven to one to approve the preliminary plat for Mossy Oak Subdivision between Babin Road and Hwy. 74 with two conditions.  Commissioner Clouatre objected. Considering the preceding discussion of concerns regarding the proposed development, the outcome was surprising.The following day, January 13th, Commissioner Satterlee requested that a motion to reconsider the vote on Mossy Oak Subdivision be placed on the February agenda.  Chairman Marchand conferred with Planning Director Ricky Compton and the motion to reconsider was placed on the upcoming February 9th agenda.   

At the request of Parish President Martinez, Chairman Marchand called a special meeting of the P & Z Commission on Friday, January 21st at 4:00 p.m.  The developer's counsel was threatening legal action if their plat for Mossy Oak Subdivision was not certified by 4:00 p.m.   Because of the lack of a quorum, the special meeting did not occur.  Certifying the plat at this point in the process is highly questionable!   Who was the parish president representing with this request- the developer or our community?   

It is not known at this time if another special meeting will be called or whether the developer took any legal action.  As the situation changes we will post updates.