Sunday, April 3, 2011

Master Plan Subcommittee Formed

On March 23rd representatives where chosen from business, government and the public to work with the Planning Commission on a review and revision of the current thirty-nine page Master Plan.  These representatives will take part in discussion, but will not vote.  Only the nine appointed Commissioners on the Planning Commission will vote.  The following were chosen by citizens who attended meetings from those nominated:

Business Sector: Wes Ashworth, Clint Cointment, Roy Domangue, Mike Eades and Gary Fontenot

Government Sector: Scott Duplechin and Brad Walker

Public Sector:  Kathryn Goppelt, Cindy Quick, John M. Robert Sr., Tim Theriot and Samantha Thibodeaux  

The first meeting is set for April 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the DPW Auditorium.  Citizens are welcome to attend and make public comment while monitoring the progress of the subcommittee.