Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Public Hearing to Consider Abolishing PUD & TND Ordinances

The Planning & Zoning Commissions will meet and have a public hearing on Wednesday, April 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Gonzales Courthouse.  Up for consideration will be recommendations to the Parish Council for the PUD & TND ordinances to be abolished. Changes in the zoning tables will also be considered. The Commission is proposing lowering the present twenty units allowed per acre in Mixed Use to ten.

The clip below is from the April 7th Ascension Parish Council meeting held in Donaldsonville.  Ascension Parish Planning Director, Ricky Compton, is giving the definition of what a PUD is.  After listening to his description you will understand how the PUD is a loophole that circumvents current parish Zoning Codes and Subdivision regulations. 

Citizens are encouraged to attend.